Thursday, April 24, 2014

Dove Campaigns - Follow Up

I have been going over Dove's Real Beauty sentimental campaigns a while back (check the article here) so I couldn't resist posting this follow-up.

Since the award winning Real Sketches ad, there have a been a couple of parodies on the subject, like the Dove Real Beauty Sketches Men

But what deserves a memorable mention is the Dove Real Beauty Mirror Test by Above Average Productions, which explicitly challenges the way women are portrayed in the popular Dove campaigns by Ogilvy & Mather Brazil. 

The video aims to show a more realistic approach to women's self- perception as well as their natural reactions to seeing themselves in the mirror. Even though a bit grotesque itself, the video raises some good points about Dove's overly melodramatic and sometimes contradictory campaigns about women and their self-esteem. It also shows that women are human beings with intellect, not just body issues.

Wednesday, April 23, 2014

How To Lose A Loyal Customer With a Single Email

We are living in a pretty amazing age. Technology is thriving, hundreds of new apps and businesses are launched every day, millions of resources are published online every hour. Some of them are even free. And that is what I want to discuss - free stuff. Or the lack of it.

We have all heard that there is no such thing as free lunch. In a highly commercial-oriented society, free is rarely an option. And here is the problem: Some things pretend to be free when they are not.

Wednesday, November 27, 2013

Surrealism in the beginning of the 20th century and its influence on visual arts

Some historical background:
WWI left an indelible mark on whole Europe. Together with the political and economical devastation, the post-war period was characterized by a traditional morale crisis and disintegration of patriotic values.

Works like Oswald Spengler's "The Decline of the West" and Paul Valery's "The European Hamlet" appeared, marking the need for critique of culture, as well as rethinking the European idea as a whole. Gradually groups of radical youngsters, pacifists and ultimate experimenters appeared.

Tuesday, November 26, 2013

And Now For Some Semiotics::VW

This article is about an old favorite print ad of mine - The 2000 VW Beetle ad by Norwegian ad agency Bates Reklamebrya. I was discussing print advertising and its effects with a friend and I started thinking about the way we perceive such images, which gradually turned into a mini semiotic analysis.

Monday, August 19, 2013

How Much Is Too Much :: Dove's Campaigns

Dove is a cosmetics subdivision of the Anglo-German giant Unilever /  The brand was founded in 1957 in the USA, revolutionizing soap production, adding 1/4 moisturizing cream to the then standard formula...