Monday, December 9, 2013

Coca-Cola And A Coffin

A couple of days ago I came across these new Coca-Cola ads and was stunned how inappropriate they were. The style, colors and tone of voice looked so out of place, I couldn't help sharing them.

The tagline says: "A sedentary lifestyle kills like any disease. Change your life for your own life"
Agency: ATHOS/TBWA, Santa Cruz, Bolivia

Now, I am absolutely pro awareness campaigns of such kind. Especially with myself being behind the desk for about twelve hours a day. I also think popular brands have a huge social responsibility of being role models and promoting non-commercial causes. Yet, something here is not quite right. The Coke ads in question are well executed, thoughtful and attract attention. However, they are not Coca-Cola. At all. And not because they are not red, but mostly because they picture coffins. And in no known universe coffins are compatible with the "Happiness machine" Coca-Cola has been trying to promote in the last couple of years.

Compare these to some stunts they did lately:

Coca-Cola Open Happiness
Coca-Cola Happiness Refil
The Happiness Truck

The first big deviation from the brand's consistency came earlier in 2013 when they launched the Coca-Cola Life line in Argentina with a surprising olive green label. The company's drive for natural products which resulted in a whole new packaging came as a bit of a shock for the branding world. Especially given the fact that the drink itself is hardly associated with green or healthy.

It's not that large corporations can't get away with anything. It's just that Coca-Cola looks a bit all over the place with its latest attempts. Are they cheerful, spreading happiness and encouraging sharing, or are they "green" and natural. And why the heck are they raising awareness for a sedentary lifestyle, are they a sports brand, are they a healthy snack?

Just a quick hypothetical question: say people are moved by the coffin campaign and decide to take measures: where does a Coke fit in a green, active and sports-filled life?

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